Tuesday, 21 March 2023

5 tips for Getting ready for Ramadan

5 tips for Getting ready for Ramadan
Can you believe that it's only a few days away from Ramadan? It sure has been a quick year since the last one for me, what about you guys? This has been my 13th Ramadan and I can't say I've done them all because I've had a couple of pregnancies in the mix, but with that said I'v…

Saturday, 18 March 2023

I'm training to be Make-Up Artist

I'm training to be Make-Up Artist
Well, some decisions come later on in life, and for my training to become a make-up artist  is one of them. I was going to train to do hair in my teens but life got in the way.  I then tried again in my earlier 20s training in college to do hair and beauty but my pregnancy with my daughter was compl…